European Perinatal Health Report 2004

The 280-page report was a major feat of collaboration between researchers and official statisticians in Europe. It contains data on EURO-PERISTAT indicators for the year 2004 from 25 participating EU member states and Norway. Press Coverage and country-specific highlights are availabe below.

You can download the Full European Perinatal Health Report (280 pages) .

Errata (corrections made to the printed version)

Three other European projects provided data for the report: Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE), European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT), and the European Information System to Monitor Short and Long-Term Morbidity to Improve Quality of Care and Patient Safety for Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants (EuroNeoStat).

EURO-PERISTAT collaborators meeting in Warsaw 

Supplementary Materials

Report highlights from a Flemish perspective [nl]
by the Study Center for Perinatal Epidemiology (SPE)
Press release and report highlights from a Belgian perspective [fr]
by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Press release (ee)
Press release and report highlights from a French perspective [fr]
by the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)
Report highlights from a German perspective [de]
by the Bayerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätssicherung
Press release and report highlights from a Hungarian perspective [hu]
by the Hungarian Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology (HSOG)
Press release and report highlights from an Italian perspective [it]
by the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
Press release and report highlights from a Maltese perspective [en]
by the Department of Information, Malta
Report highlights from a Norwegian perspective [no]
by the Medical Birth Register of Norway
 United Kingdom
Report highlights from a UK perspective [en]
by City University London

International press release

European Press Release
by the EURO-PERISTAT project [en]
Press Release
by INSERM [fr]
Highlights from a German perspective
by BAQ [de]
Highlights from a Norwegian perspective
by the Medical Birth Registry of Norway [no]
 United Kingdom
Highlights from a UK perspective
by City University London [en]


Since publishing the report on our website in December 2008, more than 110 articles have been published in print, radio and television media across Europe.

Press Coverage of the European Perinatal Health Report

Statistics about mothers and babies tend to generate a lot of controversy. Since the publication of the European Perinatal Health Report on December 11, more than 110 stories have been published in print, radio and television media across Europe. A selection is presented here and will be continuously updated.

To read the story in a different language, simply copy the electronic address into Google Translate.

Belgium23/12/08 La santé de la mère et de l’enfant très variable en Europe, Le Journal du médicin
11/12/08 Nederland kampt nog steeds met een hoge babysterfte,Gazet van Antwerpen
Estonia11/12/08 Avaldati perinataaltervise raport, Arst
11/12/08 Eesti paistab euroliidus silma kõrge vastsündinute suremusega, Tarbija 24
Finland15/12/08 Ennenaikaiset synnytykset Suomessa harvinaisia, Helsingin Sanomat
15/12/05 Ennenaikaiset synnytykset Suomessa harvinaisia, Illka
12/12/08 Prematura förlossningar är ovanliga i Finland, STAKES news
12/12/08 Ennenaikaiset synnytykset Suomessa harvinaisia, STAKES news
France29/12/08 Santé périnatale en Europe : bien des différences, Le Point
23/01/09 MATERNITÉ • La césarienne est aussi un mal européen, Courrier International
19/12/08 Santé mère-enfant: la France bien placée en Europe, Hôpital
19/12/08 Rapport européen sur la périnatalité : la France comparée aux autres pays d’Europe, Nouveautés de la SFSP
18/12/08 Un rapport européen sur la périnatalité, Parents
17/12/08 Rapport Euro-peristat sur la santé mère-enfant en Europe, La Lettre du Cadre
16/12/08 Naissances européennes, Infobébés
16/12/08 Santé mère-enfant en Europe: la France est bien placée mais pas en tête, Viva Presse
15/12/08 La France bien placée, Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace
14/12/08 Etude EURO-PERISTAT: Le taux de mortinatalité le plus élevé en France, Santé Log
14/12/08 Vingt projets de la région soutenus, Midi Libre
12/12/08 Santé mère-enfant dans l’UE: la France bien placée mais pas en tête, Le Point
12/12/08 Santé mère-enfant dans l’UE: la France bien placée mais pas en tête, AFP
12/12/08 Santé mère-enfant dans l’UE: la France bien placée mais pas en tête, France-Info
12/12/08 Santé mère-enfant dans l’UE: la France bien placée mais pas en tête, TV5 Monde
12/12/08 Santé mère-enfant dans l’UE: la France bien placée mais pas en tête, Yahoo! Actualités
12/12/08 Rapport européen sur la périnatalité: la France comparée aux autres pays d’Europe, Gazette du Laboratoire
Germany12/12/08 Geburtsrisiken in Europa, FOCUS
11/12/08 Comparable data on maternal and infant health in Europe available for the first time, Innovations Report
Hungary29/12/08 Koraszülésben dobogósok vagyunk, Velvet
Italy29/01/09 Italia, cesareo in crescita perchè considerato più “sicuro” e “indolore,” Nanni Magazine
29/01/09 Mortalità neonatale in mezza Europa, Nanni Magazine
05/01/09 Da rivedere il parto in casa vista l’alta mortalita’ perinatale, ADUC Salute
29/12/08 25 mila bimbi europei non superano primo anno di vita, Adnkronos/IGN
17/12/08 Rapporto sulla salute materno-infantile in Europa, Yahoo! Italia
16/12/08 Troppi bisturi in sala parto, Vitadidonna
12/12/08 Salute, indagine sulla mortalità infantile. Ogni anno in 40mila nascono con disabilità gravi, SuperAbile
11/12/08 Cigogna torna in Italia, nascite in ripresa per straniere e ‘over 35’, Il Tempo
11/12/08 Torna la cicogna in Italia, le nascite sono in ripresa: prima volta dagli anni ’60, Il Giornale
11/12/08 Bambini: il primo anno di vita è quello a maggior rischio, Il Giornale
11/12/08 Contrordine, cicogne: è baby-boom Più mamme straniere e over 35, Quotidiano Net
11/12/08 Europa, in Italia il tasso più alto di parti cesarei, Il Velino
11/12/08 Ogni anno in Europa 90mila bimbi nascono con malformazioni, ASCA
11/12/08 Nei piccoli ospedali un cesareo ogni due parti, AGI
11/12/08 Fazio: Meno di 300 parti l’anno? Chiudere struttura, Dire Giovanni
11/12/08 Ogni anno in Europa 25mila bambini nascono morti, Virgilio Notizie
11/12/08 In Europa 25mila neonati non superano l’anno di vita, Disabili-oggi
11/12/08 Neonati, il vero rischio è nel primo anno di vita, Bari Mia
11/12/08 l’indagine, Italia prima in Europa per cesarei, Italy Global Nation
11/12/08 l’indagine, 25 mila bimbi europei non superano primo anno di vita, Italy Global Nation
Latvia11/12/08 Malta has the lowest annual births in the EU, USA TODAY Latvia
Lithuania11/12/08 Comparable data on maternal and infant health in Europe available for the first time, USA TODAY Lithuania
Luxembourg12/12/08 Santé mère-enfant dans l’UE: la France bien placée mais pas en tête, Tageblatt
Malta21/12/08 No induction in Baby Jesus’ birth, Times of Malta
17/12/08 Cardiologists explore possible purchase of MRI machine, Times of Malta
15/12/08 Congenital anomalies account for four in 10 of newborn deaths, Times of Malta
12/12/08 High rate of teenage pregnancies, Times of Malta
12/12/08 Illegality of abortion puts Malta top of neo-natal mortality list, The Malta Independent
12/12/08 European Perinatal Health Report released, Gozo News
11/12/08 7.2% smoke during pregnancy, Malta Media
Netherlands13/01/09 De Voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer, Nieuwsbank
12/01/09 Antwoorden op kamervragen van Langkamp over de hoge babysterfte in…, Nieuwsbank
16/12/08 Kwart van babysterfte bij voldragen zwangerschappen, Zorgkrant
12/12/08 Tijd om wat bescheidener te worden, Volkskrant
12/12/08 Hoge babysterfte in Nederland, Brabants Dagblad
12/12/08 European Perinatal Health Report Released By EURO-PERISTAT Project, HealthBusiness
11/12/08 Maatregelen te hoge babysterfte Nederland, NOS Journaal
11/12/08 Onderzoek naar babysterfte in Europa, NOS (video)
11/12/08 Nederlandse babysterfte blijft hoog, NOS (audio)
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland te hoog, EénVandaag (video)
11/12/08 Kamer eist uitleg Klink hoge babysterfte, Elsevier
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland zeer hoog, Volkskrant
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland blijft hoog, Trouw
11/12/08 Babysterfte Nederland bijna hoogst in Europa, deTelegraaf
11/12/08 ‘Thuisbevalling zeker geen oorzaak hoge babysterfte’, deTelegraaf
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland bijna hoogste van Europa, Blik op Nieuws
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland blijft hoog, RTL Nieuws
11/12/08” data-mce-href=”h“>Babysterfte in Nederland hoogst van EU, NRC Handelsblad
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland blijft hoog, NRC Handelsblad
11/12/08 ‘Babysterfte Nederland kan omlaag’, NRC Handelsblad
11/12/08 Babysterfte hoger door andere keuze arts, NRC Handelsblad
11/12/08 Babysterfte in Nederland nog steeds hoog, Nieuws
11/12/08 Babysterfte Nederland bijna hoogste van Europa, Wereldomroep
11/12/08 Grootste babysterfte in Frankrijk, Frankrijk
Norway23/12/08 Unique statistics about health conditions in pregnancy and birth, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
19/12/08 Færrest dødfødsler i Norge, Dagbladet
19/12/08 Unik statistikk om helseforhold rundt svangerskap og fødsel, folkehelseinstituttet
Portugal05/01/09 Portugal detém a segunda maior taxa de cesarianas da Europa, PAIS & Filhos
23/12/08 O fenómeno dos partos por cesariana, Máxima
19/12/08 Portugal é o segundo da UE com maior taxa de cesarianas, Público
19/12/08 Revista de imprensa nacional, Acorianooriental
Slovakia13/12/08 Starostlivosť o budúce mamičky je na Slovensku najlepšia v Európe, SME
Slovenia12/12/08 Najmanj carskih rezov v Evropi je v Sloveniji, Dnevnik
Spain04/01/09 Holanda se replantea los nacimientos en casa ante la mayor mortalidad, El País
20/12/08 ¿Por qué hay tantos nacimientos prematuros?, La Verdad
15/12/08 España, a la cabeza en prematuros, Público
Sweden14/12/08 Comparable data on maternal and infant in Europe available for the first time, USA TODAY Sweden
13/12/08 Starostlivosť o budúce mamičky je na Slovensku najlepšia v Európe, SME
United Kingdom23/12/09 Perinatal mortality in Netherlands third worst in Europe, BMJ
12/12/08 Landmark Report On Fetal, Infant And Maternal Health Across 26 European Countries Shows Wide Variations But Need For Better Data In The UK, Examiner
12/12/08 Landmark Report On Fetal, Infant And Maternal Health Across 26 European Countries Shows Wide Variations But Need For Better Data In The UK, Medical News Today
12/12/08 European perinatal health report: highlights from a United Kingdom perspective, APHO
11/12/08 Researchers find wide variations in fetal, infant and maternal health across Europe, City University London News
International16/12/08 Comparable Data On Maternal And Infant Health In Europe Available For The First Time, NaturalChildbirth
12/12/08 Landmark Report On Fetal, Infant And Maternal Health Across 26 European Countries Shows Wide Variations But Need For Better Data In The UK, EU Politics Today
12/12/08 European Perinatal Health Report Released by EURO-PERISTAT Project, Medical News Today
12/12/08 Comparable Data On Maternal And Infant Health In Europe Available For The First Time, Science Daily
12/12/08 European Perinatal Health Report Released By EURO-PERISTAT Project, Med Reader
11/12/08 European Perinatal Health Report released, Health-EU Newsletter
11/12/08 Maternal and Infant Health in Europe – New Report, EAHC Highlights
11/12/08 Comparable data on maternal and infant in Europe available for the first time, Bio Medicine
11/12/08 European Perinatal Health Report released by EURO-PERISTAT project, Huliq News
11/12/08 Comparable data on maternal and infant in Europe available for the first time, GEN

Video Coverage

Video: EURO-PERISTAT on NOS Nieuws